Francesca Zupin was born in Trieste. He has a degree from Bocconi, a Masters in Narration at the Scuola Holden, he worked as Business consultant in England and Italy, she was a full-time mother for two years and countless trips and hours of yoga. He is currently responsible for international agreements at the University of Science and Technology of KAUST, Saudi Arabia.
His literary debut will take place for the types of Bollati next winter.
Title: Rescue
Publisher: Bollati Boringhieri, 2021
Agent: r.vivian literary agency

Title: Salvamento
Publication Date: February 13, 202
Publisher: Bollati Boringhieri
Foreign Rights: Bollati Boringhieri
Giulio is a frail thirteen-year-old book lover when, in a long summer shared at the campsite, he falls in love with Stella, the daughter of his widowed father's new partner. Stella is different from him: strong, refined, rebellious. In the years to come, living together in the same house, the two boys go from being a bit brothers to boyfriends, but not without suffering. The family opposes them, in particular Giulio's father, irascible and disappointed, who has always preferred one of his friends to his son: Bobo, fast on the motorcycles and with words, who feels like a new Rimbaud. Stella has always been attracted to Bobo too, but their relationship - intense and fluctuating - has never turned into a real relationship. Stella, always looking for someone to save her from Bobo and herself, seems to have found the perfect candidate in Giulio. Yet, one step away from the wedding, he renounces the tranquility to pursue the emotion. With an evocative and at the same time precise, surgical writing, Francesca Zupin knows how to surprise us in telling the truth of her protagonists, without ever giving them discounts, immersing them in atmospheres suspended between nostalgia and disenchantment. Time, with its acrobatics and accelerations, its returns and its regrets, almost becomes an additional character who acts and interacts with others: challenging them, disappointing them, caging them, but also creating those glimpses of light and beauty that are possible , perhaps, just looking back.
«Salvamento proceeds without sparing cruelty, disenchanting feelings, always multifaceted feelings, delivered to the reader without screaming, yet never giving up. The final feeling is that living is not an easy thing, but all in all bearable if you learn to swing between well-distributed compassion and cynical fun ». Davide Longo , author of A simple anger,
“When the lives of the protagonists of a novel somehow become ours, then that novel is truly a novel. But when this happens and, at the same time, the language is a surprise, a new air, pure oxygen, then that novel is truly a novel. Here: Salvamento is that really written like this, in italics ». Elena Varvello , author of Happy Life and Just a Boy
"Cultured, refined, smooth, sensual, direct, elegant, tinged with nostalgia and supported by an ironic disenchantment: Francesca Zupin's writing is not to be missed". Dario Voltolini, author of Pacific Palisades -
"... Then there is the writing: refined and elegant: in itself, but also in the lexical game of cursives and verbs, taken up as vocabulary items full of examples at the end of the paragraph ..." Ermanno Paccagnini-La Lettura - Corriere della sera