Alka Saraogi
Alka Saraogi is considered one of the most important contemporary writers of the Hindi language. Members of his family, ethnic Marwari, participated in the foundation of the city of Calcutta, where he lives with his large family. She is the author of successful novels and short stories including the acclaimed Bypass to the heart of Calcutta (Neri Pozza, 2002 and 2007), The Story of Ruby Di (Neri Pozza, 2004) and Shining India (Neri Pozza, 2012).
With her works Alka Saraogi has won the most prestigious Indian literary awards.

"This novel, in which modern India is reflected, inaugurates a new era for Indian fiction, one in which money, the market and work have to deal with a millenary spirituality."
- Jansatta, The Indian Express

In the dialogue and clash between two women, one elderly, with the sweet irony and weight of years, and the other young, with the vehemence and irresponsible lightness of youth, Alka Saraogi constructs an extraordinary novel about conflict and dialogue between old and new India, tradition and modernity, ethics and materialism, ancient values and cynicism. A novel that restores intact the serenity and strength that, in the abrupt and brutal turns that history sometimes imposes, only women know how to show.

"An epic story with Calcutta at the center, a magical representation of an India straddling tradition and modernity."
- the Republic
"A novel that leaves you amazed, amused, incredibly satisfied."
- Hans Magazine