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Giorgia Tribuiani


Giorgia Tribuiani was born in 1985 in Alba Adriatica and lives in Bologna.
Graduated in Publishing and Journalism, she collaborated with local and national press agencies and various newspapers and oversaw the online communication of two multinationals. He currently works in the field of digital communication and is a teacher at Giulio Mozzi's Storytelling Workshop.

He published the collection of stories Chronicles of artists and comedians (Tespi 2008) and in 2018 his first novel, Guasti (Voland), was released.

Pieces is the new novel awaiting publication



In a rural village isolated by mountains and snow, where people do not have proper names and communications are entrusted to "blackbirds", strange birds the size of a child, a package arrives one Sunday containing the severed phalanx of a finger and the rules of a game. Participating is simple: the "piece" belongs to a person from the community, and all fellow villagers have a week to guess who it is. At stake, the liberation of man.

The inhabitants of the village are overwhelmed by horror and pain: reminders gather, analyze the phalanx in detail, try to count themselves and reflect on who might be missing, but they don't get to the bottom of the matter. The next day, therefore, the blackbirds deliver them a new clue: a new "piece" - an ear - of the absent fellow villager. Once again, however, observation and reflection do not bring any results, so the town's owner tries to resolve the issue by delivering money to the blackbirds to be taken to the kidnapper.

On the morning of the third day, however, the blackbirds return with a third piece and with a much larger sum of money: to demonstrate that the matter has nothing to do with money, but also to encourage participation and commitment , the kidnapper ups the ante. From this moment the villagers, having ascertained that their loved ones are not missing, gradually become less cooperative, keeping the alleged clues to themselves; concern for one's own economic fate replaces that for the victim.

Among all, the landowner's daughter stands out, determined to escape the arranged marriage that awaits her and to run away with the tailor. Certain that the prize money could be right for her, she steals the last piece received, unleashing the ire of the community. Upon learning of the deed, his father, the landowner, with a long speech argues in front of the village that it was the blackbirds who stole the new clue, there is no doubt: they are making fun of them, and from the first moment they they have done nothing but bring misfortune.

Restless, resentful and by now interested in their own desires for economic redemption rather than in the salvation of a man they don't even remember and who - it is clear - therefore should not have had a great impact on their lives, the villagers begin to torment the blackbirds, to torture them. While other pieces arrive in the village, two people, leafing through old documents and trying to investigate, finally get close to the solution; all the others instead stage a real massacre of blackbirds, now a scapegoat in all respects.

The solvers of the game manage with difficulty to save the last two blackbirds and to deliver the answer. This reaches the amputee man, who returns home now dying: it was he who sent his own pieces to his fellow villagers, thus becoming his own executioner but finally managing to be remembered and looked at in the smallest detail, hair by hair, neo for neo. In a village bloodied by the massacre, he dies welcomed by the madwoman of the village, who with her last gesture of mercy makes the only possibility of salvation that remains shine.


PEN Grant America for the Translation of Italian Literature”.

Publisher: Fazi Editore

Date published February 24, 2022

Translation rights: Fazi publisher

Film rights: Fazi publisher

It is a spring afternoon when, with the same body and the same age as the day of his death, Diego Valli rises again. He wakes up on the landing of what had been his apartment, takes out the keys, tries to put them in the lock but finds himself face to face with his son Oscar, left a child and aged over forty years. From here, a story of reconciliations and detachments begins, an intense and sincere story about the relationship between fathers and children and the need for forgiveness. Once he recognizes his father, Oscar faces the understandable estrangement by clinging to the chores of everyday life, while Clara, his wife, does not believe in the miracle and opposes the idea of hosting a stranger at home. To complicate matters, we add the arrival of Gaia, the couple's daughter, who returns to her hometown to spend the holidays. Hidden from her mother, who is often away for work, Gaia finally has the opportunity to meet her grandfather: a profound man, a lover of music, more like her than her father ever was. On the contrary, Oscar will discover aspects of Diego that he didn't think belonged to him.


After "Blu", Giorgia Tribuiani returns with a novel about a three-part story of anger and pain, unspoken words and second chances. A reflection on the family with an original plot in the balance between reality and impossible for an author who knows how to dig into the human soul to bring out the repressed and stimulate understanding. «'Fathers' testifies how immense spaces can be revealed in minimal stories. A book of love in a broad sense, as acceptance and acceptance of the other, therefore understanding of the human beyond one's individual perimeter. Of course there is even more: the voice of forgiveness, the generosity of always offering other opportunities in the face of lack, absence, the always possible errors that accompany the days we are given. In the end, one would just say, from the writer as from the reader: it is not niene, it is only life ». (Remo Rapino )

Blue to the Witch

Ginevra, known to everyone as Blue since childhood, is seventeen years old, attends art school and is a lonely girl trapped in a world of her own made of obsessive rituals and superstitious gestures. His parents are divorced and Blu lives with his mother, a woman who works a lot and is often away from home. Blu has a boyfriend, who she is unable to leave because she is devoured by guilt, a boy she would like to love and whose presence, instead, she barely bears. The only thing he really loves is art, and drawing is an activity in which he proves to be talented. So, when during a school trip she attends a performance art exhibition, she is struck by that way of expressing the creative act and by the artist herself, to the point of developing a real obsession for her. At this point, the manic thoughts become more and more oppressive, until her determination to be a good girl leads her to experience a subtle and dangerous split of personality.
A strong and different novel that draws us into the claustrophobic mind of a teenager, a prisoner of morbid actions and incomprehensible manias, to the point of revealing its delusional mechanism.
The fast, unpredictable rhythm and the density of the writing perfectly render the psychological torment of the protagonist and the incessant inner struggle to defeat her double.
A book that confirms the great talent of Giorgia Tribuiani, new and original author, capable of identifying herself and fully expressing the essence and torment of her characters.

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