Maria Teresa Rovitto was born in Basilicata in 1987. She obtained her doctorate with a thesis in Philosophy of Law and has been interested in interdisciplinary studies of law and literature. Her texts have appeared in Storie. All write – Leconte editore, in the collection Sfocature. Memorie di foto ritrovate, Emuse/FIAF/Risme, in «Morel. Voci dall'isola», in the Atomi section of «retabloid», Oblique Studio, July 2022, in Micorrize, in Multiperso, in the Passaggi column of the magazine Argo, in In allarmata radura. She has collaborated in the dramaturgy of several theatrical works, one of which was staged at the Napoli Teatro Festival in 2016. She is part of the editorial staff of the online literary magazine In allarmata radura. She collaborates with the collective Poetarum Silva.
Title: The anecdote of the calchi
Publisher: Terrarossa editore, in publication
Rights: r.vivian literary agency
In 2010 Livia and Zoa, two young women who have been friends for a few years, take part in a contemporary art performance, VB66 by Vanessa Beecroft, held in the Fish Market in Naples: a tableau vivant where the naked models and
painted in black they represent the bodies charred by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD
The performance turns out to be cathartic for both of them: Zoa returns to Greece, her country of origin, attracted by the ongoing social and political unrest, and cuts off all contact with Livia; Livia, having acquired greater awareness of her own body thanks to the artistic event,
begins a phase of self-exploration: she is increasingly worried about the progression of the autoimmune disease that she fears she may inherit from her father, she begins to obsessively follow her friend's social profiles, loses her job, and finally separates from Bruno. Past
a few years Livia and Zoa receive a letter from a London clinic for medically assisted procreation: it is a project of selection and donation of sperm by artists and performers. For Livia it is the opportunity to start the time of performance towards its conclusion.